Tallinn's Town Hall Square, known locally as Raekoja plats, has sat beside the Town Hall building since 1322.
It is a vibrant place with a great atmosphere, and is the venue for many events, concerts and markets. There are plenty of bars and restaurants scattered around the area and it is generally bustling with locals and tourists alike.
Town Hall Square offers a variety of restaurants to sample traditional food.
Find the bear sitting outside Restaurant Troika and head in for a truly traditional meal, you'll find bear meat on the menu. Other options include The Beer House, which boasts a metre-long sausage and Olde Hansa, known for its bear and elk sausages.
The Town Hall Pharmacy, or Raeapteek, is located in the city centre opposite the Town Hall. It has been running in the same building as a pharmacy since the 15th century, making it the longest running business in Tallinn and one of the oldest pharmacies in Europe.
Tallinn has become a destination for film crews - most recently, parts of Christopher Nolan's Tenet were shot here.
I was lucky to stumble upon a movie being shot in the Square, check it out below.
One final mention is the Tallinn Christmas Market - an annual event that runs from the last week of November to the 7th January. The central focus of the market is the Christmas tree, which is believed to be the first ever publicly displayed Christmas tree in Europe.
There is hot food and drink alongside a variety of market stalls, Christmas stands and general merriment! A special thing to experience if you find yourself in Tallinn during the festive season.
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